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A mispronunciation of "polyglot", as if it were spelled "polyflot"

In linguistics, mispronunciation is the act of pronouncing a word incorrectly.[1][2] Languages are pronounced in different ways by different people, depending on factors like the area they grew up in, their level of education, and their social class. Even within groups of the same area and class, people can pronounce words differently.[citation needed]

A standard of pronunciation is the most common way to pronounce a word. Standards vary among groups. Dictionaries include pronunciations. [citation needed]

Prescription versus description


Almost every area of linguistics can be treated in either a prescriptive or a descriptive way. Prescription is the formulation of rules explaining how things should be done, while description is the formulation of rules explaining how things actually are done.

Applied to pronunciation, a prescriptive approach involves telling people that this word should be pronounced in this way, that word should be pronounced in that way, and so on. For example, one might say that the word nuclear should be pronounced ['njuːklɪəɹ] or ['nuːklɪəɹ]. Applied to pronunciation, a descriptive approach involves telling people that some people pronounce a word in this way, while others pronounce a word in that way. For example, one might say that the word nuclear is pronounced ['njuːklɪəɹ] by some people, and ['nuːkjələɹ] by some other people. (See nucular)

At its simplest, the prescriptive approach requires less work, since it does not necessarily depend on how words are actually spoken; one could simply write down one's own pronunciation rules, and add a note saying that this is what everyone else should do too. In practice, it is more complicated, since the prescriber will usually add further constraints relating to orthography (the way words are written), etymology (the way words originated), and other factors. On the other hand, the descriptive approach depends on fieldwork in which the differences in pronunciation systems used in day-to-day life among different people are researched and catalogued.[citation needed]

The move from prescription to description


Before the advent of the modern scientific method, scholars in Europe largely looked to the Ancient Greek philosophers for the ways to do things. Aristotle was still regarded as the foremost authority in many areas of knowledge. His laws of logic were intended as prescriptions for (rather than descriptions of) thought, and a similar ethos was applied to other areas of life. There was a prevailing attitude that the route to knowledge was through studying ancient texts and reasoning about them in a detached way. After the birth of science, careful observations of how things actually worked began to be advocated instead. However, this methodology took a long time to be applied to language.

In England, scholars were unaware of how languages actually developed, and saw the modern tongues as mere corruptions of the old ones. They attempted to remodel English along the lines of Latin, resulting in the invention of such arbitrary rules as the rejection of the split infinitive. However, in the 18th century, William Jones did a detailed comparison of several languages, including Latin, Greek, Sanskrit, and the Germanic languages, and proposed that they may have evolved from a common root language, perhaps extinct. (See Indo-European language.)

This study is often considered to have been the birth of modern linguistics. After that, more attention was paid to detailed comparisons of languages, and many of the mechanisms by which languages evolve were worked out. It became clear that languages have been constantly changing, splitting up, and diverging, ever since language began. Largely as a result of this, in the 20th and 21st centuries, there has been a trend towards acknowledging diversity within languages as a natural consequence of language evolution, and more effort has been put into studying the diversity than in actively trying to reduce it.

However, this is not to say that linguistic uniformity is not without its advantages. If everyone agreed to a single common standard of grammar, vocabulary, orthography, and pronunciation, then communication would be made easier. On the other hand, much diversity would be lost, and the study of linguistics would lose a lot of its subject material. Which is more important is debatable.[citation needed]

Treatment of pronunciation in dictionaries


Early dictionaries, such as that by Samuel Johnson in England and later Noah Webster in the United States played a large role in making spelling more uniform. When dictionaries began to add pronunciation guides, they played a similar role there. At first, American dictionaries (at least) tended to avoid listing pronunciations that they considered non-standard, and thus they played a prescriptive role (the British tradition is far more descriptive). However, following the general trend in linguistics, American dictionaries are now becoming more descriptive while British dictionaries are becoming less so (with Australian ones remaining in between); this is the case in other respects as well as with pronunciation. For example, the pronunciation of the word nuclear as if it were spelled nucular is one that is frowned upon by some, but the pronunciation is listed in some dictionaries. However, to take this to mean that the pronunciation is considered either "correct" or "incorrect" is to misunderstand the role that these dictionaries are playing. They are simply reporting current usage.[citation needed]

Pronunciation change


The following are some of the processes by which pronunciation can change.

Omission of phonemes


Many words have lost phonemes (consonant or vowel sounds) somewhere in their histories. Sometimes, this changes the standard of pronunciation. For example, the silent k at the start of many words in the English language was originally pronounced. However, a word is mispronounced if a phoneme is omitted when it is not normally pronounced that way. For example, some speakers omit the first c sound from Antarctic, resulting in a pronunciation ("ant-AR-tik"). [citation needed]

Adaptation to a different language


Words and names that are adopted from one language to another can be mispronounced because the phonology of the source language is different from that in the destination language.

Proper nouns such as names of people and places, are not only written as foreign words, but often given their native pronunciation too.

Mispronunciation terms

An incorrect pronunciation of Launceston (the name of a city in Tasmania), which follows the word's spelling literally
  • Spelling pronunciation: Mispronouncing a word according to its infelicitous or ambiguous spelling.
  • Aphesis: Dropping the sound at the start of a word.[citation needed]
  • Aspiration: The sounding of an "h" sound at the beginning of a word whether needed or not. For example, the "h" in honor (British: honour) is not sounded but in "happy" it is. As with all pronunciation "rules", conventions regarding the aspirated "H" differ from region to region. In parts of the US, it is customary to pronounce "herb" without the initial "h" sound, while in the UK, the initial "h" is aspirated. In "My Fair Lady", Professor Henry Higgins castigates those "down in Soho Square, dropping aitches everywhere."[citation needed]
  • Cacoepy, the opposite of orthoepy
  • Epenthesis: The addition of one or more sounds to a word, especially to the interior of a word (at the beginning prothesis and at the end paragoge are commonly used). Epenthesis may be divided into two types: excrescence, for the addition of a consonant, and anaptyxis for the addition of a vowel.[citation needed]
  • Metathesis: The reversal of letters within a word, such as "iron" being pronounced as "iorn."[citation needed]
  • Shibboleth: Any distinguishing practice which is indicative of one's social or regional origin, usually referring to features of language, and particularly to a word whose pronunciation identifies its speaker as being a member or not a member of a particular group.[citation needed]
  • Spoonerism: The (usually) unintentional exchange of letters or syllables between two words or even within a word, often with comic results – especially when the result changes the speaker's intended meaning. The term is named after the 19th century clergyman and academic Rev. William Spooner, who was supposedly prone to this trait. Among the examples attributed to him is “you've tasted two worms” for “you've wasted two terms”.[citation needed]

Automatic detection


Using computational techniques, such as machine learning, it is possible to automatically detect mispronunciations in recorded speech.[3][4]


  1. ^ "MISPRONUNCIATION | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary". Cambridge Dictionary. Archived from the original on 24 October 2015. Retrieved 30 October 2022.
  2. ^ "mispronunciation". The Free Dictionary. Archived from the original on 18 April 2005. Retrieved 30 October 2022.
  3. ^ Lee, Ann; Glass, James (2012). "A comparison-based approach to mispronunciation detection" (PDF). 2012 IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop (SLT). pp. 382–387. doi:10.1109/SLT.2012.6424254. hdl:1721.1/75660. ISBN 978-1-4673-5126-3. S2CID 6006518.
  4. ^ Hu, Wenping; Qian, Yao; Soong, Frank K.; Wang, Yong (2015-03-01). "Improved mispronunciation detection with deep neural network trained acoustic models and transfer learning based logistic regression classifiers". Speech Communication. 67: 154–166. doi:10.1016/j.specom.2014.12.008. ISSN 0167-6393.

See also
