Valfarly chanced upon wikipedia and thought "that'll never work"... but after using it a few times, he eventually got sufficently annoyed by a typo to do something about it and on 15th March 2004 hit edit. From there it was a slippery slope to writing articles for things he found no-one else had written about and adding tidbits, factoids and other nuggets of information to previously covered topics. Finds himself correcting spelling and grammar far too often!
To add an image to a page, type [[File:image-file-name.jpg|caption]] where you want to insert the image. You can add various options separated with a vertical bar: "|", also known as a "pipe", after the image name. For example, [[File:image-file-name.jpg|thumb|185px|A caption]] will automatically generate a right-aligned thumbnail of the image with a width of 185 pixels and the caption "A caption", and [[File:image-file-name.jpg|left]] will produce a left-aligned full size image version. Bonus tip: Adding a video or audio clip uses nearly the same procedures.
Jean Ritchie (December 8, 1922 – June 1, 2015) was an American folk singer and songwriter who was known for playing the Appalachian dulcimer. Born to a family of folk singers in Viper, Kentucky, Ritchie was the youngest of fourteen siblings. As a child, her father Balis barred his children to play the dulcimer, but Ritchie defied his injunction and began playing it in secret. Thus, by the time her father began teaching her how to play, she was already accustomed to the instrument, and he labeled her as a "natural born musician". Ritchie popularized the dulcimer by playing it on many of her albums and writing tutorials, making her ultimately responsible for its revival, and earning her the nickname "Mother of Folk". This 1950 Associated Press photograph shows Ritchie playing the Appalachian dulcimer.Photograph credit: Associated Press